The Role of the Governors
More about our role
A Governing Board has 3 core functions:
1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
In comparison, the responsibilities of the Headteacher include:
1. The internal organisation, management and control of the school; and
2. The educational performance of the school.
The Headteacher is accountable to the Governing Body for the performance of all their responsibilities.
Attendance at meetings is only open to Governors and occasionally other invited parties, however, we aim to be open about our work and the minutes of all meetings (other than confidential minutes) are available on this website to view.
More about the different types of governor
Our Constitution or Instrument of Government determines the number and type of governors required. At St Jude’s we have 6 different types and a total of 12 places on the governing body.
2 Parent Governors - chosen from parents of children registered to attend school. Parents nominate themselves and require 2 other parents’ nomination. If there are more nominations than vacancies, then there is an election at which all parents can vote.
1 Local Authority Governor - normally recruited internally and then approved by the Local Authority or can be appointed by the Local Authority from pool of governor volunteers with agreement of the governing body.
4 Co-opted Governors - recruited and appointed by the Governors, often from the local community.
3 Foundation Governors - representing the Church and appointed by St Jude’s Church and Portsmouth Cathedral.
2 Staff Governors- comprising the Headteacher who automatically has the option of a place on the governing body, and a member of staff elected by the staff.
At the start of each academic year the governing body appoints the Chair, Vice Chair and committee members for a period of one year; all individuals can be re-elected to these positions. Governors have a term of office of 4 years from the date they are appointed.