
Our SEND Policy can be found on our Policies page, under the Parent Info tab.

Inclusion Roles 

SENCo – Miss Laura Rowden

Our SENCo monitors the progress of all children with Special Educational Needs and co-ordinates provision and support for them.

ELSA - Mrs A Mayes & Mrs P Noble

Our Emotional Literacy Support Assistants are responsible for the emotional well-being of our pupils. This sometimes takes place in small groups or, where necessary, on a one-to-one basis. The ELSA caseload will change over the course of the year and includes specific sessions to support our service children.

Our dedicated and professionally trained Inclusion Team are responsible for ensuring pupils are supported and cared for in all aspects of their learning journeys.  Working together with class teachers and parents and carers we hope to support  pupils by:

  • Providing support for pupils who might be falling behind in their progress
  • Providing support to pupils who have difficulties with their attendance and punctuality
  • Giving pupils who are unhappy someone to listen
  • Supporting the pupil and families of pupils who find school life a challenge

 SEN Information Report

 Please click here to view St Jude's SEN Information Report

Designated Teacher for Looked After Children (LAC)

Miss Rowden is St Jude's Designated Teacher for Looked after children (LAC) and Previously looked after children (PLAC). In this role Miss Rowden supports children who are looked after by the local authority or have previously been looked after. For children who are looked after, she liaises with the Virtual school to create a PEP (Personal Education Plan). These plans are reviewed every 6 weeks and if additional support is required she works with the Virtual school to ensure funding is in place. 

Miss Rowden also creates PLAC PEPs for pupils who are previously looked after. These are created along with the parent/carers and are reviewed termly. These plans are not statutory but are good practice and ensure that targeted support is in place where needed.